

13.1.0 (2023-01-11)


  • tests: share tests with other users

  • decks: share decks with other users

  • playlists: share playlists with other users

13.0.0 (2022-12-07)


  • bricks: update bricks to transition to brick exchange

  • app: update overall application ui / ux

12.2.1 (2022-04-25)

Bug Fixes

  • safari: fix for flash card animation issue in safari 15.4

12.2.0 (2022-04-20)


  • rx-search: include institutional bricks in rx search

Bug Fixes

  • bricks: prevent text wrapping on multi-select questions

12.1.0 (2022-03-09)


  • bricks: add related bricks tab

12.0.0 (2021-12-15)


  • study-stream: add study stream dashboard

11.3.0 (2021-09-13)

Bug Fixes

  • testing: hide related trigger when calculator or lab values are shown


  • rx-search: update rx search user interface

Bug Fixes

  • authoring: misc styling fixes

  • bricks: update image sizing on flash cards

  • bricks: update quiz images on mobile

  • bricks: use caption innerHTML

  • heap: remove serialization from user props

  • rx-search: remove queue poc

  • rx-search: update styling issue in search by id

  • terms: remove hardcoded term on mobile

  • terms: support html in term name

  • testing: hide related when calculator is open

  • testing: move calculator when lab values are open

  • testing: properly hide related content trigger

  • testing: shift lab values down on FRED


  • bricks: add authored info to bricks

  • bricks: add authored label

  • bricks: add image support to brick questions

  • bricks: add reference support

  • bricks: add reference support

  • bricks: allow markup on intrabrick questions

  • bricks: update custom brick author wording

  • rx-search: add pagination to search

  • rx-search: add terms to search

  • rx-search: include image preview for first aid

  • rx-search: update accessible behavior

  • rx-search: updated rx search

  • terms: update scoping on tests

  • testing: support tables in questions

11.2.1 (2021-08-16)

Bug Fixes

  • testing: fix positioning of lab value search

11.2.0 (2021-08-11)


  • terms: add definition boxes to appropriate terms

Bug Fixes

  • bricks: properly center overlays in bricks


  • testing: add QID to header in enhanced interface

  • testing: support lab values on small screens

11.1.0 (2021-07-28)


  • dashboard: update dashboard design

  • testing: update test design in tutor mode

Bug Fixes

  • dashboard: fix image link for brick collections

11.0.0 (2021-06-27)


  • bricks: add related bricks to first aid

Bug Fixes

  • simulation: update max characters allowed in simulation name

10.2.2 (2021-03-17)


  • qmax: finalize related bricks integration

Bug Fixes

  • express: fix display issues when no express subscription exists

10.2.0 (2021-02-04)


  • first-aid: add support for first aid 2021

  • rx-bricks: add support for faculty authored bricks

10.1.0 (2020-12-09)


  • notes: order notes in sidebar by order they appear on page

  • notes: add indicator when note is orphaned

Bug Fixes

  • filtering: remove light backgrounds for accessibility

  • notes: update note download

  • qmax: remove qmax 3 when applicable

10.0.0 (2020-11-11)


  • rx-bricks: update brick collection display

  • rx-bricks: update brick headers

  • qmax: update list views and filtering

  • flash-facts: update list views and filtering

  • express-videos: update list views and filtering

  • smart-notes: update list views and filtering

9.2.0 (2020-10-07)


  • qmax: add reverse brick integration to qmax

9.1.0 (2020-09-02)


  • account: allow account reset for applicable users

9.0.0 (2020-08-02)


  • selection search: search by selection for related content

  • rapid-review: add support for rapid review

Bug Fixes

  • first-aid: fix issue where wrong id is saved to markup

  • safari: fix storage issue on safari

8.1.0 (2020-05-13)


  • rx-bricks: add support for faculty annotations

  • rx-bricks: add support for interactive overlays

8.0.0 (2020-04-08)


  • dashboard: brand new dashboard design and functionality


  • design: update loaders and empty state in all modules

  • pwa: enable pwa support for Safari

7.2.1 (2020-03-05)

Bug Fixes

  • test-wizard: fix question counts when updating settings on test wizard

7.2.0 (2020-03-04)

Bug Fixes

  • iOS: fix text zooming layout issue on iOS


  • brick-audio: add support for audio within brick text

  • first-aid: add search to browse first aid

  • flash-facts: update create deck to wizard UI

  • testing: update create test to wizard UI

7.0.1 (2020-01-06)


  • self-assessment: update wording on self-assessment page

7.0.0 (2019-12-11)


  • flash-facts: update deck analysis designs

  • flash-facts: update deck cumulative analysis designs

  • testing: update test analysis designs

  • testing: update test cumulative analysis designs

  • videos: update video cumulative analysis designs


  • layout: update app bar and header designs

  • videos: update endpoint for recently watched videos to increase performance

6.6.0 (2019-11-06)

Bug Fixes

  • create-test: fix display issue when no subscription exists

  • dialogs: do not allow empty string in test, deck, and playlist names

  • first-aid: ensure proper content key is saved on markup

  • marked: return to marked cards page after card review

  • related: do not remove related history while on video

  • rx-search: resolve error in create test by search results

  • test: prevent backing into unanswered set

6.5.0 (2019-10-07)

Bug Fixes

  • playlists: prevent empty playlist name


  • first-aid: add indeterminate state to first aid checkboxes

  • related-content: update related content flow ui / ux

  • rx-bricks: add support for patient stories

  • rx-search: add content type selection to search bar


  • design: misc styling and dialog updates

  • navigation: allow access to site wide menu in flash facts, study stream, and express

  • study-stream: only return red ratings when low on cards

  • ratings: update confidence ratings from 'unsure' to 'ok'

6.4.0 (2019-09-05)


  • self-assessments: add support for self assessments


  • packages: upgrade all packages to latest version

6.3.0 (2019-08-08)

Bug Fixes

  • subscriptions: default to qmax 2 in test creation when switching subscriptions

  • testing: fix for note and calculator components in safari


  • rx-bricks: add support for brick versioning

6.2.0 (2019-07-02)


  • testing: add ability to create tests from first aid tree

6.1.0 (2019-05-08)

Bug Fixes

  • rx-bricks: update question styling to not reveal answer until click is complete


  • express-videos: add ability to rename playlists

  • flash-facts: increase max deck size to 500

  • flash-facts: add ability to rename decks

  • testing: add ability to rename tests

6.0.0 (2019-04-03)


  • rx-bricks: add support for nested table of contents

  • rx-search: add brick capability to search by id

  • rx-search: support for bricks in search results

  • subscriptions: remove subscriptions tab from settings, add web store link to menu


  • express-videos: move action buttons out of toggle

  • first-aid: move related content buttons out of toggle, update to proper icons

  • smart-notes: move action buttons out of toggle

  • rx-bricks: allow all users access to rx bricks

  • rx-bricks: add rx bricks onboarding slide

5.2.0 (2019-03-11)

Bug Fixes

  • bricks: correctly show last collection interaction on browse page when multiple active collections exist

  • bricks: properly flip card when clicking text without dragging

  • bricks: properly navigate to subscription page when no first aid subscription exists

  • editor: disable anchor previews within editable content

  • first-aid: properly compare years when no year exists in token (cs created user)

  • notes & highlights: invert highlight text color when in reverse mode

  • notes & highlights: update note text color when in reverse color mode

  • predicted-score: update boundaries for free 120 score input


  • create-deck: update create deck design to include current confidence indicator for each category

  • first-aid: support first aid 2019 content

  • rx-bricks: add unique styling for mnemonic cards

  • study-stream: add stats display for real-time study stream stats

  • study-stream: add predicted time to next display to card confidence buttons

  • videos: add category durations to browse video tree

5.1.0 (2019-01-23)

Bug Fixes

  • highlights: prevent flip of flash card to front when clicking non-related highlight in sidebar

  • notes: performance improvements for manage notes page


  • application: update ux when user loads application and api is down

  • notes: add proper content titles to note display

  • highlights: add proper content titles to highlight display

  • qmax: update ux when test requests fail, either from internet connection or api issues

  • rx-bricks: add notes & highlights to rx bricks


  • free-trial: add free trial banner prompt for users with 360 trial

5.0.0 (2018-12-17)

Bug Fixes

  • first-aid: properly scroll to active position in first aid tree when returning to a fact in first aid from related content

  • error-handling: optimize error handling in first aid browser

  • error-handling: optimize error messaging on view tests page


  • rx-bricks: full support for Rx Bricks

  • feedback: allow feedback based on text selection


  • logging: log extra details to AI anytime a user is kicked from a test

4.7.0 (2018-11-20)

Bug Fixes

  • dashboard: fix floating footer on XL screens questions

  • faculty: properly sort faculty assigned tests, due in the future, by closest due date first

  • testing: return to last active question after viewing related content from 'view all' marked questions

  • video: prevent dismissal of related on confidence click on playlists


  • error-handling: improve error messaging in tests and decks

4.6.0 (2018-11-14)

Bug Fixes

  • highlighting: fix issue in chrome where click would sometimes register as drag -> click, preventing highlight from being toggled

  • flash-cards: update timer display to more prominent location on mobile

  • testing: properly register difference between drag -> click and click on tutor mode distractors to allow highlighting without strikethrough


  • upgrade: upgrade Angular and all related packages to 7.x


  • notes: cosmetic updates for notes sidebar

  • videos: log error messages from video player to AI

4.5.1 (2018-10-25)

Bug Fixes

  • related: return to correct block when navigating back to a simulation review from related content

  • simulation: correctly handle browser refreshing when past block 1 of simulation

4.5.0 (2018-10-17)

Bug Fixes

  • notes: fix issue with ad hoc notes not saving correctly on edit after visiting content

  • notes: allow editing of ad hoc note title after initial save

  • study stream: prevent fact from hiding if merge of new cards occurs after current card is flipped

  • testing: fix note save error on timed tests

  • testing: prevent navigation to auth page when test review url is bookmarked or first visit, then ended through modal

4.4.0 (2018-09-26)

Bug Fixes

  • first-aid: hide menu on initial load on mobile if navigating to a related fact

  • testing: include time remaining on question visit endpoint - fixes edge case timer bug

  • testing: allow for navigation back to multiple tests (related questions) in a related content flow

  • testing: properly show test in review mode if completed then navigated back through browser back - fixes error and redirect flow

  • testing: remove incorrect indicator from left side question list when in individual question review mode

  • testing: fix issue where modal close from test time expiring would fail to redirect to appropriate screen


  • first-aid: add quick back action when navigating to first aid fact as related content

  • flash-cards: remove extra URL created when navigating to decks - fixes need to click back arrow twice

  • marked-cards: update URL and data storage to allow transient decks to be navigated back to and refreshed

  • marked-questions: update URL and data storage to allow transient questions to be navigated back to and refreshed

  • related-content: provide descriptive back arrow functionality on all related content screens for easy path back to source

  • related-content: properly store active question, flash card, or video when navigating to and from related content within a learning loop (includes transient content)

  • testing: update URL to stand alone, allow for proper navigation and refreshing

  • testing: remove loading confirmation when viewing related questions

  • videos: remove extra URL created when navigating to playlist - fixes need to click back arrow twice

  • videos: update URL and data storage to allow quick play playlists to be navigated back to and refreshed

  • videos: start on related screen when navigating back to a video from related content pathway


  • design: update fab buttons to morphing fab / extended fab on desktop - matches material 2.0 spec

  • design: begin update to material 2.0 spec for all components

  • first-aid: add lightboxing to first aid fact images on mobile for clearer display

  • first-aid: add left and right keyboard shortcuts for fact navigation

  • flash-cards: display end of deck actions in column on mobile

  • settings: update all address settings fields to be full width on mobile

  • videos: vertically center related content buttons on mobile

4.3.0 (2018-09-06)

Bug Fixes

  • institutional: hide notifications button in toolbar for faculty users

  • videos: add better error messaging for connection or api errors when using videos

  • videos: add extra padding to playback speed menu in firefox to prevent hiding rate

  • videos: fix active video indicator on playlists


  • typeahead: add medical term typeahead to all rx search integrated pages and components


  • form fields: update form field styling on settings and simulation creation page to match material 2.0 spec

4.2.0 (2018-08-29)

Bug Fixes

  • pwa / service-worker: correctly cache all custom bundles

  • study stream: properly retry failures from SRS API

  • create test / deck: fix tab display issue when scrolling to the bottom of test and deck creation on iOS


  • dashboard: update pie charts for better visualization of overall progress

  • create deck: add setting to create a deck from bookmarked cards

  • flash cards: move images inline next to question text (rather than toggle) on flash facts and study stream

  • predicted score: add new predicted score UI to test cumulative analysis, allow for reporting of preferred practice exam scores for increased accuracy


  • error messaging: give more descriptive error messaging when user is kicked out of a test, deck, or study stream due to connection issues or API failure

  • test / deck creation: rename classic and advanced creation to more user friendly names

4.1.1 (2018-08-04)


  • pwa: enable service worker in safari


  • loading: smooth over initial app loading experience

4.1.0 (2018-07-18)

Bug Fixes

  • first-aid default to 2018 when no year is set

  • flash-cards fix cut off navigation buttons on ios and android portrait mode

  • flash-cards fix previous answer retaining focus in firefox (caused hotkey double-click issue)

  • flash-cards properly display error message when visit and save endpoints fail

  • testing add max length and max length indicator to test and deck creation name field


  • study-stream update from 50 to 10 card request chunks to match study stream algorithm tweaks


  • auth: update identity package and ensure one instance of user manager

  • auth: trigger automatic reload of page on user session changes

  • menu: add external links to menu for editorial and faculty users

4.0.0 (2018-07-11)

Bug Fixes

  • dashboard: correctly navigate when clicking menu logo while on dashboard

  • nlp: fix related first aid transition from bottom line concepts

  • study-stream: remove forward and back keyboard shortcut tips

  • testing: prevent locking the last question in set questions

  • testing: fix error when keyboard shortcut is used on locked set question


  • institutional: add support for institutional users


  • design: standardize color palette and design patterns

  • notes: update notes page ui to match highlight manager

  • packages: update all packages to latest version

3.4.1 (2018-06-28)

Bug Fixes

  • links: fix error page link to point to external help

  • nlp: send clicks on related fa facts from concepts to the first aid browser


  • simulation: update simulation page to new stats endpoint

3.4.0 (2018-06-26)

Bug Fixes

  • create-deck: properly apply settings when 'all topics' is selected

  • flash cards: update image styling to properly apply width when provided

  • highlighting: fix toolbar display issue when highlighting bold on flash cards

  • rx-search: ensure related concepts are unique

  • rx-search: only allow playlist creation when year is selected

  • rx-search: properly remove year filters when search term is updated

  • videos: reduce time between auto play


  • rx-search: migrate to new endpoint to allow for 2018 content

  • create-deck: include 2018 content in advanced deck creation


  • create-test: remove Qmax 3 from options unless active subscription exists

3.3.1 (2018-04-25)

Bug Fixes

  • create test: ensure proper counts on create test classic if discipline and organ systems do not match

  • first aid: fix display error when quick switching from 2018 back to 2015 in first aid browser

  • flash cards: default flash card image width to 200px if null

  • related: fix first aid block display for 2015 facts and prior in qmax and flash facts

  • videos: fix 2016 video related content (hotfixed)


  • flash cards: update query param from 'cardid' to 'contentKey'

3.3.0 (2018-04-16)

Bug Fixes

  • testing: fix explanation block display overlapping on safari mobile 9/10

  • testing: fix first aid html transform size when lab values are open


  • related content: related content integration for facts and videos

  • study stream: allow study stream toggling on facts in qmax and flash facts


  • a11y: update stats table for better clarity with screen readers

  • a11y: darken menu focus indicators to meet a11y guidelines

  • flash cards: add keyboard shortcut for image display

3.2.0 (2018-04-03)

Bug Fixes

  • create-deck: add extra padding to first aid tree in IE11

  • highlights: prevent saves of highlights if property name does not exist

  • notes: fix auto save logic for notes (was saving too frequently, could dupe note on slow connection)


  • create-deck-advanced: default to 2017 for advanced deck creation until 2018 is available, show info message on search page

  • dashboard: move logo & reduce size, add tabs for steps

  • flash facts: first aid html integration in flash facts

  • first aid: display info message when mismatch exists between default user selection and year when navigating from note or highlight (ex. set to 2018 but view a 2017 highlight) - allow for quick toggling tree back to default year

  • study stream: first aid html integration in study stream

  • testing: first aid html integration in qmax


  • slides: add feature slide for first aid html integration

  • tours: remove prompt for tour if user is not subscribed to product

3.1.0 (2018-03-16)

Bug Fixes

  • a11y: add proper keyboard navigation for related concepts in rx search

  • a11y: fix focus indicator for create simulation

  • a11y: update visually hidden invalid id for search by id chips

  • create deck: lock proper settings in advanced deck creation, display message

  • create test: lock proper settings in advanced test creation, display message

  • highlighting: fix issue with copy to clipboard word expand failing when copying end of sentence

  • highlighting: fix alignment issue with contentKey on manage highlight headers

  • paging: fix edge / ie11 paging icon alignment issue

  • settings: fix invalid save if stateId is incorrectly set during onboarding process


  • a11y: add raw chart output for visually impaired users

  • fa2018: add what's new slide and ability to update settings from slide

  • help: add zendesk help integration to top toolbar

  • help: add Aha suggestion link to menu


  • content: hide delete icon when test, deck, or playlist is not accessible

  • first aid: update copyright to 2018

  • menu: update settings / help buttons and link help to usmle-rx zendesk portal

  • testing: add tooltip for question difficulty setting

  • subscriptions: remove button and card to purchase Qmax 3

3.0.2 (2018-03-08)

Bug Fixes

  • testing: update question status indicator for ie11

  • testing: add proper keyboard navigation for related concepts

  • tour: fix misspelling on first aid tour

  • videos: update focus indicator for video note duration for increased visibility

3.0.1 (2018-03-08)

Bug Fixes

  • testing: fix alignment issue on question status indicator sources after concept selection

  • videos: update video note duration indicator for a11y

3.0.0 (2018-03-07)

Bug Fixes

  • advanced creation: fix bug that caused no data to display when switching sources after concept selection

  • testing: remove unneccesary padding from distractor explanations on tutor mode (mobile)


  • a11y: a11y dialog announcement updates in all modules

  • a11y: a11y aria tag updates in all modules

  • a11y: a11y dynamic content updates in all modules

  • a11y: a11y image tag updates in all modules

  • a11y: a11y table updates in FRED

  • a11y: a11y typography updates in all modules

  • a11y: a11y color contrast updates in all modules

  • a11y: a11y focus management updates in all modules

  • a11y: update title tag to match appropriate page

  • help: add walkthrough tab with ability to replay screen tours

  • tour: add additional stops to first aid walkthrough

  • video: support HLS


  • dashboard: remove speed dial navigation from module cards, add adjust goal button for study stream

  • filtering: update to proper filter icon

2.9.3 (2018-02-23)

Bug Fixes

  • highlighting: properly remove highlight with click (hotfixed)

  • impersonation: ignore slides if user is impersonating

2.9.2 (2018-02-22)

Bug Fixes

  • notes: correctly trim selection for note highlights

  • notes: properly escape regex characters in text search


  • changelog: provide external changelog access (/changelog)

  • notes manager: use friendly content names for display (ex. Flash Fact instead of Card)


  • authentication: performance optimization for token access

  • notes & highlights: performance optimization for highlighting

  • notes & highlights: show full note highlight text in sidebar to match highlight tab

  • testing: remove pre-test message about highlighting for tutor mode on mobile

2.9.0 (2018-02-14)

Bug Fixes

  • notes & highlights: fix issue preventing scroll to active note or highlight when clicked from sidebar

  • notes & highlights: fix issue with open toolbar blocking flash card flip

  • notes & highlights: fix issue with active toolbar persisting when changing flash cards

  • notes & highlights: wait to calculate markup in FA until html is loaded (fixes display issue w/ users who have slow connection)

  • notes: prevent auto-save until initial note save is complete

  • testing: add margin to fred button for tutor mode set questions

  • testing: fix related concepts display to use proper html formatting


  • maintenance: add ability to recognize and display maintenance window message

  • notes & highlights: add 'Manage Highlights' page

  • notes & highlights: misc performance improvements for notes sidebar

  • notes & highlights: flip flash card to appropriate side when notes or highlights are activated from sidebar or manager page

  • notes & highlights: highlight relevant searched text on notes and highlights pages

  • pwa: update scholarrx to progressive web app specifications, introduce service worker

  • videos: misc performance improvements for browse videos page


  • content creation: add hint to create test and deck input, reminding users that test and deck names are optional

  • flash cards: add time spent on card to answer request for normal flash decks (stats tracking)

  • maintenance: kick out user if silent refresh fails for required login

  • notes & highlights: make note sidebar tabs header sticky to match rest of app

  • service-worker: prompt user real-time when app has been updated

  • slides: add "what's new" slide for highlight manager

  • testing: switch to new API endpoint for test creation, move logic to client (mimimizes server resources, slight speed increase when switching test settings)

2.8.2 (2018-02-08)

Bug Fixes

  • highlighting: fix issue in firefox and safari where highlight toolbar would fail to display on first selection in first aid after switching facts or copying text


  • highlighting: allow quick removal of highlights (click to remove) when highlighting toolbar is available

  • highlighting: trim highlight selection to prevent white space highlights


  • first aid: misc performance improvements for first aid browser

2.8.1 (2018-02-08)

Bug Fixes

  • highlight: fix removal of any highlight color while quick highlighting (hotfixed)

2.8.0 (2018-02-06)

Bug Fixes

  • dashboard: fix alignment issue with dashboard toggle on small screens (hotfixed)

  • testing: prevent highlighting from being persisted on related concept headers


  • highlighting: add ability to lock-in a highlighting color

  • paging: add first page and last page jumps to paginator

  • slideshow: add "what's new" slideshow capability

  • videos: add keyboard shortcut display to video player


  • testing: update delete test messaging to better explain 'unused' status

2.7.0 (2018-01-26)

Bug Fixes

  • notes: fix overflow on specific number of notes in safari medium screen

  • notes: fix issue with last selected note not displaying correctly in smart notes 'edit' mode if it was the last selected note in sidebar

  • notes: update notes page for better performance for users with embedding images


  • dashboard: add dashboard for step 2 & 3

  • videos: add ability to remove videos from a playlist

  • videos: add ability to quick play playlists


  • testing: center distractor image under distractor explanation in review mode

  • testing: remove predictive score tooltip when not on step 1

2.6.0 (2018-01-18)

Bug Fixes

  • stats: fix stats tooltips when predictive score is present (hotfixed)

  • subscription: fix broken link on lock in express videos (hotfixed)

  • subscription: fix parameters for product navigation (hotfixed)

  • test question: correctly persist removal of strikeouts


  • notes: add note title option to ad hoc notes, update display to include

  • rx search: add related concepts to institutional document results

  • testing: add FRED specific notes pane in non-tutor mode tests

  • testing: update highlighting to match official FRED interface on non-tutor mode tests

  • testing: misc cosmetic updates to FRED to match official interface

  • testing: update current source (step 1, 2, etc.) based on the users subscriptions and last selected in cumulative analysis

  • testing: add reuse tooltip to explain logic

  • testing: add content key option to test interface for editorial


  • videos: moved videojs script local to prevent issues for some users with CDN

2.5.1 (2018-01-11)


  • video-player: add common hotkeys to video player

  • video-player: add 1.25x playback option to video player


  • subscriptions: add additional messaging to first aid if subscription is required

2.5.0 (2018-01-09)

Bug Fixes

  • auth: check user for undefined before checking expiration

  • stats: fix stats alignment issues on iOS safari 9.3

  • video player: update styles for iOS to fix display issues on older iPhones and iPads


  • loading: add additional error messaging when application is down

  • stats: add value next to percent on tooltip for normalized charts

  • videos: update video player from amp to videojs

  • videos: persist last selected playback speed for user on device


  • subscriptions: supply product name to ecomm for subscriptions links

2.4.3 (2018-01-02)

Bug Fixes

  • authentication: fix auth failure when users computer time is in past or future

  • flash cards: fix display issue causing end of first aid fact to be cut off on safari


  • videos: add 1.75x playback speed

2.4.2 (2017-12-20)

Bug Fixes

  • videos: fix issue with quick play when all videos are locked

2.4.1 (2017-12-20)

Bug Fixes

  • simulation: dismiss global loading if browser back clicked before simulation start

  • videos: apply order property to quick play playlists

2.4.0 (2017-12-18)

Bug Fixes

  • filters: fixed 'start at' seed date to use local time

  • simulations: update tip to display proper block count for step 2 simulations


  • rx search: initial support for institutional documents

  • subscriptions: add 'begins in' time for subscriptions that are future dated


  • settings: lock school select for institutional users

  • tabs: make tabs sticky for settings, create test, and create deck

  • testing: update styling on test details page

2.3.0 (2017-12-11)

Bug Fixes

  • dashboard: add additional error messaging when dashboard request fails

  • first aid: add extra null check for markup object

  • flash cards: correctly log first card visit on deck and study stream

  • flash cards: fix styling issue on timer causing timer to appear behind main content (hotfixed)

  • flash cards: properly queue rate and visit requests on flash decks

  • loading: fix loading crash when quickly navigating using browser back button

  • playlist: fixed verbiage for playlist add (pluralize)

  • resources: add unique check for resource list in qmax2 to prevent duplicates

  • study stream: fix error thrown by first card save when deck is empty

  • study stream: properly queue requests between card visit and rate

  • first-aid: ignore markup object if html is empty

  • videos: fix subscribe link on recently watched page if video is locked


  • notes: update notes sidebar to push instead of overlay on tests and flash cards

  • notes: add current save status on notes panel

  • testing: add ability to invert colors in FRED interface

  • rx search: add initial institutional support to rx search

  • simulations: add ability to park simulations for future use


  • project: update Angular dependencies to latest stable version

2.2.0 (2017-11-22)

Bug Fixes

  • filters: fixed issue with initial starting date not being applied

  • flash cards: flash card and study stream end of deck button spacing update

  • history: fix for test and deck history pages when no history exists

  • history: fixed history pages when no history exists

  • navigation: side menu accessibility fix for nested links

  • notebooks: fix for stale notebooks in test and decks

  • notebooks: updated notebook validation

  • notes: correctly associate notes with notebooks

  • notes: fixed bug associating notebooks and updating filter on-the-fly

  • notes: fixed location issue when editing video note

  • rx search: fixed begin test button alignment on mobile

  • rx-by-id: fix for incorrect request when refreshing with one active id

  • rx-by-id: fixed issue with content types not being properly assigned by search

  • rx-search: disabled create button while content is loading

  • rx-search: fixed issue allowing creation of tests without bank subscription

  • rx-search-by-id: fixed breadcrumb display of wrong title

  • study stream: display no subscription message when trying to access ss w/o flash facts

  • study stream: fixed notebook dialog keybinding issue

  • test review: show next and previous buttons on mobile test review

  • testing: fix distractor order based on randomize property

  • testing: fixed issue with ctrl+c conflicting w/ answer hotkey

  • testing: randomize distractors when flag is set

  • videos: correctly add notebooks to video selection

  • videos: fix notebooks bug when adding a new note in videos


  • marked content: added ability to play all marked cards or questions based off selection

  • notes: added notebooks, ad hoc notes, and download

  • rx-by-id: added tabs when results include multiple content types

  • rx-by-id: updated ux and styling for rx-by-id

  • search-by-id: marked invalid ids after search

2.1.0 (2017-11-07)


  • logging: enhanced client error and event logging

  • notes toolbar: added custom icons to notes toolbar

  • rx-search: Added search and create content by id option to rx search

2.0.9 (2017-11-06)

Bug Fixes

  • first aid: fixed issue with no topic message persisting on back


  • authentication: updated authentication error messages to be more user friendly

2.0.8 (2017-11-03)

Bug Fixes

  • browse videos: fixed tour locations for browse videos to match ui update


  • browse videos: updated layout and styling

  • first aid: added color coding to first aid categories

  • study stream: show memory boost info on first study stream visit

  • tooltips: added additional tooltips to fa, browse videos, and test cumulative analysis

2.0.7 (2017-11-01)


  • browse videos: added color coding to video checkboxes to show seen / confidence

  • toolbar: added copy current selection to notes toolbar

2.0.6 (2017-10-31)

Bug Fixes

  • settings: Fixed bug where subs expiring today displayed blank for time remaining

  • testing: add current time to suspend call when on a timed test

  • testing: Fix for test timer early expiration and test back button behavior

  • testing: timed test update when timing out and using browser back arrow

  • testing: update start timing request


  • editor: added copy functionality and updated toolbar styling

2.0.4 (2017-10-27)

Bug Fixes

  • browse videos: fix when resizing browse videos page

  • copyright: fixed position on copyright in test facts

  • copyright: moved copyright notice below fa content on applicable pages

  • Create Test: no subscription navigation

  • help: increased duration of feedback on submit and added a dismiss option

  • marked content: fixed styling when inaccessible

  • menu: fixed misaligned icons in main menu on ie11

  • menu: position fix for icons on firefox

  • statistics: fix stats order on test and simulation details

  • test statistics: removed total toggle for disciplines and organ systems chart

  • testing: fix for hotkey answers during test review

  • testing: fixed bug causing test to break when notes and highlights across regions were removed

  • testing: fixed bug when navigating to first aid fact from test question explanation and back

  • testing: remove force leave of test for nlp api failure


  • event tracking: added tracking event for ending a test or simulation block

  • first aid: updated first aid browser

  • testing: added info dialog for first hit of tutor test describing stat guidelines

Last updated