
Release notes were designed to give an overview of new, enhanced, & fixed items released to our customers.


Enhancements represent items that have been added to the software to increase usability.

The search functionality on the Brick Exchange has been enhanced to include:

  • More accurate search results

  • Additional search results tabs to better organize top, ScholarRx, and Community-authored bricks

  • Results for related, published ‘Lists’

  • Results for related ‘Collections’

Results are returned based on the following logic.

Title / Name match - including brick title, author, school, collection name, etc.

  1. Exact match

  2. Close match with some distance

  3. Any order of return when all terms exist

  4. Any of the terms exist

Summary match - including Summary & Learning Objective

  1. Exact match

  2. Close match with some distance

  3. Any order of return when all terms exist

  4. Any of the terms exist

  5. Fuzzy match on terms

  6. Everything else

    1. At least one term must match

This is underpinned by a weighting system that promotes content in this order. This means if two documents have an equivalent score the ScholarRx content will always come first. If the partner institution content has a better score it could beat out the ScholarRx content.

  1. RX content highest

  2. Partner Institutions

  3. Partner Schools

The following table describes the areas on the results page.


Search field

Enter the desired search term.

‘Top’ tab

Returns the most relevant bricks and can include ScholarRx and Community-authored bricks that are listed and published.

‘Bricks’ tab

Returns only published ScholarRx-authored bricks.

‘Community Bricks’ tab

Returns published and listed Community-authored bricks.

Related Lists section

The ‘Related Lists’ section displays the top five related public lists, from all users, based on the entered search term.

⚠️ Important to Know: Cloned lists may be displayed in search results making it appear that lists are being duplicated; however, you can identify them by author name.

Tip: Lists default to ‘public’ meaning that they will appear throughout the Exchange and be returned in a search. If a user does not want their list returned by a search, they should disable the ‘Make list public’ checkbox on the actual list. Even when a list is saved as a public list, it can be updated to private at any time.

Related Collections section

When a brick collection is relevant to the search term, the ‘Related Collections’ section displays up to three collections.

Note: When there are no lists or collections to display, the search results section will expand to fill the entire page.

Supporting Jobs

Four jobs have been added to support the updated search functionality. While our customers do not need to be aware of these new jobs, they are being documented for transparency and historical reference.

Job NameDescription

Brick Reindex

Picks up new bricks when they are created or added to a list.

Collection Reindex

Updates a collection when the collection has been modified.

Institutional Brick Reindex

Indexes new bricks when authored by a user associated with an institution.

List Reindex

Reindexes all public lists.

Brick Exchange – List Updates

Lists, which have been a feature for organizing items, now offer enhanced functionality with progress tracking and in-list search capabilities.


The following fixes are included in this release.

Institutional Onboarding ‘Cohort’ placeholder text

When a user has already completed the ‘one-click’ onboarding process and tries to onboard again using the same ‘one-click’ onboarding link, the following screen is displayed with placeholder text instead of the name of the cohort. This issue has been resolved to display the name of the cohort.

[Previous view]

[Fixed view]

Last updated