
Release notes for iOS mobile

Release Date: 10/09/2023

Release Overview

The iOS Mobile application has been enhanced to include more functionality related to the Brick Exchange.

Enhanced Features

Brick Exchange - Display ‘Adapted’ Indicator on Bricks

An ‘adapted’ indicator now displays next to bricks so customers can easily identify bricks that have been cloned and adapted.

Example of the ‘adapted’ indicator on the ‘Favorites’ page.

The ‘adapted’ indicator will display next to bricks on the following pages.

  • Favorites

  • Lists

  • Author Brick List

  • Organization Brick List

  • Search Results

Brick Exchange - Display ‘Version History’ on Cloned Bricks

When opening the ‘brick information sheet’ on an adapted brick from the 3-dot menu, the version history will now display as a section within the sheet.

Example of the ‘Versions’ section on the brick information sheet.

  • Tapping on a version listed in the version history will open that version of the brick.

  • Each entry in the history will display the following information:

    • Brick Name

    • Author

    • Collection (if it exists)

    • Publish Date

Brick Search Results

The following information will now display when applicable when viewing search results for bricks.

  • School (when present)

  • Author

  • Free tag (when free)

  • Adapted indicator (when cloned)

  • 3-dot action menu (when clicked, displays the brick information sheet)

  • Community bricks (on a separate tab)

Brick Video Modal Popup

When a Vimeo or YouTube video is embedded in a brick and viewed from the mobile app, the video displays in a modal popup instead of redirecting the user away from the brick to a separate video player.

Last updated