
Release notes were designed to give an overview of new, enhanced, & fixed items released to our customers.

New Features

Brick Analytics

Brick Analytics provides customers with the Faculty role with a method to review statistics on all bricks associated with their school. Statistics are only available on the Brick Exchange application and may be viewed from any place that displays the three-dot menu next to a brick. See the below list for reference.

  • ‘My Organization’ page

  • Collection details page

  • ‘Lists’ page

  • ‘Favorites’ page

  • Individual brick’s toolbar

Example from an individual brick:

When viewing a brick, click the three-dot menu on the brick’s toolbar and select ‘View Statistics’.

The ‘Stats & Activity’ modal displays.

The following table describes each section of the ‘Stats & Activity’ modal.


‘Deleted’ brick logic

When a brick is deleted, it will no longer display on the following pages:

  • Lists page

  • ‘My Favorites’ page -> Lists tab

  • Author page

  • ‘My Organization’ page

‘Add Video’ modal

On the ‘Add Video’ modal, updated help text is displayed when an invalid YouTube or Vimeo URL is entered into the Video URL field.

On the ‘Add Video’ modal, the video preview text and an option to preview the video have been added.

‘Add Video’ modal – internal ScholarRx bricks only

A new ' brick video ' icon is available on the toolbar when a video is embedded into an internal ScholarRx brick by a ScholarRx author.

The video modal displays with a ‘Link to Text’ button when clicked.

The video is linked to the selected text, and the text displays in a different color with a video icon next to it.

When clicked, the video is played inside a popup window, but it keeps the user in the brick instead of redirecting them to YouTube or Vimeo.

Android – ‘Community’ bricks included in Rx Search results

Community-created bricks are now included in search results and will display on a new ‘Community’ tab.

Android mobile – Rx Search results contain additional display information

Rx Search results now include additional display information to better align with our web-based application. Results include:

  • School (when present)

  • Author

  • Free tag when free

  • 3-dot action menu (to display the brick sheet)

Android mobile – video modal popup support

The Android mobile application supports the video modal popup described above.

Android mobile – embed timestamped videos.

The Android mobile application now supports timestamped YouTube videos embedded in Bricks.

Android mobile – ‘adapted’ indicator

Anywhere bricks are listed, an ‘adapted’ indicator is displayed on the brick information sheet to signal when another user has cloned an original brick (‘adapted’). It includes the history of the brick, including the versions, & who created each version. Tapping on a previous version opens that version of the brick.

Example of the brick information sheet with the ‘adapted’ indicator:


Previously, when a featured image was added to a brick, there was no file size limit. Now, the file size is limited to 4 MB or less.

Error handling in Bricks Create

Previously, when a distractor was repeated in the same question, and when the lead in and bottom line were repeated in more than one question, the brick could still be published; however, the brick wouldn’t open when viewed.

Now, when a distractor is repeated in the same question, and when both the lead-in and bottom line are repeated in more than one question, the brick cannot be published. Instead, a validation warning is displayed. The errors must be fixed before the brick can be published.

Example of a validation error:

Brick ‘Summary’ section – toolbar update

Previously, when selecting text in the ‘Summary’ section to display the toolbar, options that couldn’t be applied to the ‘Summary’ were displayed. These options have been removed.

  • Toggle header

  • Toggle subheader

  • Bulleted lists

  • Numbered lists


Last updated