
Release notes were designed to give an overview of new, enhanced, & fixed items released to our customers.

New Features

New items represent new features/functionality that have been added to ScholarRx applications.

Bricks Collaboration

The collaboration feature allows the owner of a brick to grant editing permissions to others, which is a step beyond the multi-author function that only permits read-only access. This enhancement enables collaborative editing, empowering multiple contributors to sequentially shape the content of a brick.

Important to Know: When a user is modifying a brick, the brick will be locked to avoid editing conflicts.

Page URL: https://brick-management.scholarrx.com

To add new users to a brick & give them editing permissions, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the desired brick & click the credit line.

The ‘Authors and Contributors’ modal displays & provides a method to search for a user by first/last name, or email to add to the brick. Any person who has a ScholarRx account may be added as a collaborator; the school or organization can be different from the author’s school or organization.

  1. Select the desired user, then select ‘Can edit,’ then click ‘Save Changes.’

Note: The person who created the brick will be listed as the owner and is the only person who can add others as editors. Others added as editors can add users as authors, but only with ‘can view’ permissions.

Users granted editing access as brick collaborators will be notified via email, which includes a link to the brick, informing them of their collaborator status.

After being added as an editor, the brick will display on the user’s 'My Bricks' page, under a newly created 'Collaborative Bricks' tab.

Important to Know: For internal ScholarRx users who have any of the internal brick roles, the 'Collaborative Bricks' tab will display ALL ScholarRx bricks.

When another editor is editing the brick, the brick is locked and the following message displays. Allowing only one person at a time to edit a brick prevents editing conflicts.

The brick can still be opened in ‘read only’ mode, but the user will see this message:

When a user has a brick open but hasn’t recorded any activity in at least 10 minutes, the following ‘Inactivity Warning’ displays:

After an additional 5 minutes of inactivity, work is saved and the brick is closed, which removes the ‘lock’ on the brick and allows another editor to access it.

Anyone added as an editor can publish the brick and choose whether to list it publicly, but it will be associated with the school/organization of the brick owner, and added to their ‘My Organization’ page, if the brick is listed.

It will not be added to the ‘My Organization’ page of other editors, but it will be added to their ‘My Bricks’ page.

Introducing AI Assistant

ScholarRx has integrated AI into content creation. AI offers numerous benefits, such as enhancing efficiency, personalization, and scalability. It can assist in drafting initial content, quality checking, and providing context-specific suggestions, which can significantly reduce the time and effort required by human creators.

Question & Flash Card Generation

When the Brick beta features are enabled, the Basic Blocks menu includes a ‘Generate Content’ section. Beneath this section there are two options which utilize AI to quickly create questions or flash cards based on the content immediately above the insertion point. While this is not a new feature, it is the first time we are enabling it for our customers.

To create a question or a flash card, perform the following steps.

  1. Place your cursor where the question or flash card will be inserted.

The AI assistant creates Learning Objectives or Summary points based on the content of the brick. If desired, customers can add additional information to guide the assistant.

  1. Click ‘Generate.’ When complete, you can choose to replace what is already there, add to it, or dismiss what was created by AI. All content can be edited once it has been added to the brick.

Tip: This feature works the same in the Summary section.

When creating a new brick using either of these options, you must add a minimum of five paragraphs before you will be able to see the AI tool in the Learning Objective and Summary sections.

Note: The AI Assistant is currently not available on translated bricks.


Enhanced items represent items that have been enhanced, updated, or removed to enrich customer experience.

Removal of Legacy editing tools

The default setting for brick creation tools will revert to the options previously only available by enabling the ‘Beta Features’ toggle. Activating the Beta Features toggle will now allow for the integration of AI.

Bricks Create tools

To access the Bricks Create tool set, perform the following steps.

  1. Click the 'Add Item' button.

  1. Or hit 'Enter' at the end of a vignette, and a ‘+’ icon will display.

  1. To open the create tools, either click on the icon or type ‘/’ to make the ‘Basic Blocks’ menu display.

  1. Scroll through the menu to find the desired vignette type.

Update to Active Learning Question Options

Previously, when creating active learning questions, question options were displayed in the top-right corner of the active learning question vignette. Now, active learning question types can be found in the basic block menu.



Removal of the ‘All Collections’ menu option

For all non-internal users, the ‘All Collections’ menu option has been removed from Bricks Create. Users may access ScholarRx bricks from the Brick Exchange (https://exchange.scholarrx.com).

Note: This option will continue to be available for internal ScholarRx users who are assigned internal brick roles.



Last updated