
Release notes were designed to give an overview of new, enhanced, & fixed items released to our customers.

New Features

New items represent new features/functionality that have been added to ScholarRx applications.

New Role

A new ‘Faculty QMax Author’ role has been added in preparation for the upcoming release of QMax Create. This role should not be assigned until this new feature is announced and available. Stay tuned for more information.

Manage Dynamic SSO Providers

One of the benefits of ScholarRx applications is that they support single sign-on (SSO) authentication, which allows users to access multiple services with one login. SSO providers are external systems that verify the identity of users and grant them access to ScholarRx applications. This ‘Add Provider’ form will be utilized by our internal Technology team to input SSO provider information for institutions who choose to utilize single sign-on (SSO).

Disable Step 2 CK Qmax Question Bank for Institutions

As part of our Unified Qmax project, to be delivered in a future release, where the Step 2 CK Qmax question bank gets added to the following subscriptions:

  • Qmax 1

  • Rx360+ (institutional and non-institutional)

  • Rx 360+ trial

we can now disable the Step 2 CK Qmax question bank for individual institutions.

Last updated