
Release notes were designed to give an overview of new, enhanced, & fixed items released to our customers.

New Features

New items represent new features/functionality that have been added to ScholarRx applications.

Login Flow Updates

To make logging in to our applications easier, we have updated our login experience to guide you through the proper flow after entering your email. The following section provides an overview of the updated designs & flows.

Login Page

[Previous login page]

[Updated login page]

Forgot Password Page

The ‘forgot password’ link will display only after a valid email address is entered on the previous page.

[Previous ‘forgot password’ page]

[Updated ‘forgot password’ page]

The ‘Need help with your school account’ link is now displayed on this page. When clicked, you are redirected to the related knowledgebase article for help logging in.

Free Trial Page

The design of the ‘free trial’ page has been updated.

[Previous ‘free trial’ page]

[Updated ‘free trial’ page]

Registration Page

The design and options on the ‘registration’ page have been updated.

[Previous registration page]

[Updated registration page]

Enter your email address and click the ‘Get Started’ button.

When a valid, existing email address is entered, the following ‘welcome back’ page is displayed and provides a method to sign in with your school account.

To continue, click the ‘Sign in with your school account’ button. The following page is displayed.

Re-enter your email address and click the ‘Continue’ button to be redirected to your school’s landing page. If you do not know your email or you do not have one, click the ‘Don’t have an email address?’ button to search for your school.

Click the ‘Login with [name]' button. You are redirected to your institution’s login page.

Signing in with a non-SSO Account

Enter your email and click the ‘Get Started’ button.

When a valid, non-SSO email is entered, the following page is displayed. Enter your password and click the ‘Log In’ button.

You are redirected to the ScholarRx application.

Institutional Onboarding Updates

Our institutional onboarding page designs have also been updated. This section describes the updates and the onboarding flows for EdLink SSO, SSO (non-EdLink), & non-SSO experiences.

When an SSO (EdLink) user clicks on a ‘one-click’ onboarding link, the following pages are displayed.

Click the ‘Accept and Continue’ button to proceed to the EdLink login page.

Enter your email address and click the ‘Continue’ button. You are redirected to your institution’s landing page.

When an SSO (non EdLink) user clicks on a ‘one-click’ onboarding link, the following page is displayed.

Click the ‘Login with [name]’ button. You are redirected to your institution’s login page.

Onboarding with a non-SSO Account

When a non-SSO user clicks a ‘one-click’ onboarding link, the following page is displayed.

You may either choose the ‘Login’ button if you already have an account, or the ‘Create Account’ button to create a new account.

[Login flow]

Enter your email address and click the ‘Get Started!’ button. The following page is displayed.

Enter your password and click the ‘Log In’ button. The following institutional onboarding agreement page is displayed.

Click the ‘Accept’ button to continue to the ScholarRx application, or the ‘Reject’ button to decline the agreement and exit the onboarding process.

[Create Account Flow]

Should you choose the ‘Create Account’ button, the following page is displayed instead.

Enter your email, password, & confirm your password, then click the ‘Register’ button. The following page is displayed.

This page was not restyled.

Navigate to your email to complete the onboarding process by completing the email confirmation form. The fields on the email confirmation form differ between a student & faculty. When confirmed, you are redirected to the ScholarRx application.

Onboarding with a non-SSO Account

Enter your email, password, and confirm your password, then click the ‘Register’ button. The following page is displayed.

Navigate to your email and continue the onboarding process by completing the email confirmation form. The fields on the email confirmation form differ between a student and faculty member. The following institutional onboarding agreement page is displayed.

Click the ‘Accept’ button to be redirected to the ScholarRx application, or the ‘Reject’ button to decline the agreement and exit the onboarding process.


Qmax Management ‘Results’ report

The downloadable ‘Results’ report in the Qmax Management application has been enhanced to include a ‘due date’ column. This will provide a method for faculty to see when a test was submitted after the due date/time, when one is defined. An example of the report output is shown below.




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Last updated