
Release notes were designed to give an overview of new, enhanced, & fixed items released to our customers.

New Features

New items represent new features/functionality that have been added to ScholarRx applications.

Brick Exchange – Logged-In State View

The Brick Exchange dashboard has been updated to include different views for a logged in vs. a logged-out state. When logged in, the following new areas are displayed.

  • ‘Continue Where I Left Off’

  • ‘See All History’

  • ‘Up Next’

  • ‘New & Noteworthy’

  • ‘Deeply Engaged’

  • ‘Discover New Lists’

  • ‘Featured Organizations’

Continue Where I Left Off’

The ‘Continue where I left off’ section displays the last two bricks the user visited, with context back to the collection or list from where the visit originated. A ‘See All History’ option is also available and provides a method to view brick history for the last three months.

‘See All History’

To see all brick view history, you can click the ‘See All History’ link in the ‘Continue Where I Left Off’ section or click the history icon from the menu. This view provides a method to see all bricks that have been viewed over the past three months, grouped by date. Bricks will only appear once per day, so if you have visited the same brick multiple times a day it will only display once. History can also be searched by brick titles.

When either of these two options are clicked, the following history page is displayed.

‘Up Next’

The ‘Up Next’ section displays up to ten bricks that are up next in the collection or list being viewed. If there are no other bricks to be viewed in the collection or list, or no bricks have ever been viewed, this section will not display.

New & Noteworthy

The ‘New & Noteworthy’ section is populated by ScholarRx.

Deeply Engaged

The ‘Deeply Engaged’ section displays up to three bricks where users are spending the most time.

Discover New Lists

The ‘Discover New Lists’ section is populated by ScholarRx. While there is not a limit to the number of lists that can be displayed, we recommend no more than five for the best use of real estate on the dashboard.

The ‘Featured Organizations’ section displays up to four organizations and is managed by ScholarRx.

Brick Exchange – Logged Out State View

When logged out of the Brick Exchange, the following new areas are displayed.

  • Log in or sign-up options

  • Featured organizations (logos)

  • Spotlight bricks

  • Popular bricks

  • ScholarRx / Rx Bricks / Sales Messages

The following images are broken out into three separate images for better viewing.

Option to log in or sign up for free

Two buttons display at the top and provide methods to log in or sign up for a free five-day trial.

Logos are clickable and take customers to that group's ‘My Organization’ page, where they can see and interact with the organization’s bricks.

Spotlight Bricks list

Spotlight bricks are defined by ScholarRx. Customers can click on any of these bricks. Free bricks will give full access, premium bricks will display a login/upsell message.

The popular bricks list is curated by ScholarRx. Customers can click on any of these bricks. Free bricks will give full access, premium bricks will display a login/upsell message.

ScholarRx/Bricks info/Sales messages

Various vignettes will educate users about ScholarRx, the Exchange platform, including what bricks are, how customers create their own, and the opportunity to interact with bricks.

Brick Exchange – Rx Academy

Rx Academy

Step into the world of Rx Academy, where the journey to enhancing medical education begins! We believe in our products so much that we have created the Rx Academy page, using our own Bricks, to train our customers. This is your gateway to discovering the powerful benefits of the Brick Exchange. Here, you will find all the tools and guidance you need to start creating content that is revolutionizing medical curriculums.

The Rx Academy page can be accessed at: https://exchange.scholarrx.com/academy, or by clicking on the question mark icon from the left-side menu on the Brick Exchange & clicking Rx Academy. This page is populated by lists supplied by ScholarRx. Each list will appear as its own section, with the list name displayed in bold text, followed by a description.

Jobs – Upgrade to .Net 8

The Jobs server has been updated to .Net 8 to better support future development.

Rx Search -Upgrade to .Net 8

RxSearch has been updated to .Net 8 to better support future development.

Rx Search – Typeahead Search on the Brick Exchange

Rx Search has been upgraded to support typeahead search and provides a method to search for and provide suggestions for the following:

  • Author

  • School

  • Term


Bricks Create

The Bricks Create application has been enhanced with the following features.

My Bricks – Sort by Name

On the ‘My Bricks’ page, the option to sort by name has been added.

Default Placeholder Images

If a brick image is not provided, colorful placeholder images will be shown. These default placeholders are randomly generated and can only be changed when a custom image is uploaded. They appear for bricks on the following tabs.

  • My Bricks

  • Collaborative Bricks

  • Team’s Bricks

Additional Table Editing Capabilities

The following table editing capabilities are now available when authoring bricks:

  • Add / remove rows at any point in table

  • Add new line to middle of cells

  • Align left / center / right

Add Italics Option

When authoring bricks, you can now apply italics to the following brick sections (vignettes):

  • Header 1

  • Header 2

  • Review question stems

[Example of italics on the toolbar after selecting Header 1 text]

Application Update Message

During an application upgrade, the update message will not appear if the customer is on the authoring or annotation page. This enhancement ensures that customers can continue editing or annotating without the brick being locked and preventing updates from saving successfully.

Use AI to Generate Review Questions

When authoring bricks, you can now use AI to generate single review questions at the end of a brick.

  1. To generate a question, click the ‘Generate with AI’ button at the top of the ‘Review Questions’ section. The AI Assistant modal displays.

As noted in the text, a question will be generated based on the content in your brick. If questions already exist, the tool will attempt to create a question that is unique and works in the context of the existing questions.

  1. Add additional instructions, if desired, then click the ‘Generate’ button. AI will analyze the brick content and generate a single review question with answers and answer explanations.

  1. Click ‘Append’ to add the question, or ‘Dismiss’ to exit out of the AI question generator without adding the question. When the ‘Append’ button is clicked, and questions already exist in the brick, the question will be added to the end. The question may be removed; however, it may not be reordered.

Faculty Portal

Onboarding Groups Page Updates

When on the ‘Onboarding Groups’ page, enhancements have been made to provide users with the cohort manager or contract manager role(s) with additional information related to onboarding groups.

The following table provides a description of the added fields on this page.


Current Organization License(s)

This section displays information on the organization’s active licenses and contains the:

• Date on which the onboarding group was created

• Onboarding group begin/end dates

• Onboarding group’s associated products (subscriptions)

• Onboarding group’s email to identify the primary contact at the institution.

Onboarding Details

This section displays information for the:

• Allowed login providers

• Allowed email domains

Name column

The name column has been updated to include the type of onboarding group (student or faculty).

Users column

Previously, there were separate ‘pending users’ and ‘user count’ columns. These columns have been combined into the ‘Users’ column which provides a method to see the users who have onboarded using the one-click onboarding link. Should a user require verification, a pending users count will also be displayed in this column.

Active Dates column

The 'active date' column shows the start and end dates for each user, making it easy to identify when they completed the onboarding process and when their 'active' status is valid based on the subscription end date.

Manage Groups page

The ‘Manage Groups’ page provides cohort managers the ability to see additional metadata pertaining to the cohort and the students or faculty who have completed the onboarding process.

To access the ‘Manage Groups’ page, click on the cohort group name. The ‘Manage Groups’ page is displayed.

The following table provides a description of the added/combined fields on this page.


Cohort Name

The Cohort name section displays information related to the cohort and includes:

• The cohort group type (faculty or student)

• The begin and end dates for which the cohort group is valid (these dates determine when a ‘one-click’ onboarding link may be used to onboard).

• The Academic Period name entered on the license as it was created.

Licensed Products

The Licensed Products section display the names of the products to which the institution is subscribed.

One-Click Onboarding Link

The ‘One-Click Onboarding Link’ section displays the onboarding link for the cohort. The cohort manager of the group can click on this link and share it with members of their institution for onboarding purposes.

Allowed Email Domains

The Allowed Email Domains section displays the email domain(s) that will be accepted during the onboarding process. If an email domain is entered and it is not in this list, the user will be prevented from completing the onboarding process.

Search field

This field now provides a method to search by name or email.


The name and email columns were originally displayed separately but have now been combined into one column.


The Subscriptions column has been added to inform the cohort manager of each onboarded users’ subscriptions with associated begin/end dates.

Last updated