
Release notes were designed to give an overview of new, enhanced, & fixed items released to customers.

New Features

New items represent new features/functionality that have been added to ScholarRx applications.

Stats & Analytics – Manage Organization License (internal page)

Academic Solutions (internal ScholarRx team) now has a way to input institutional license information directly in the Stats & Analytics application using a new ‘Manage Organization License’ page. As this page is internal-only, it can only be accessed by individuals who possess the direct URL and the appropriate role.

In these release notes, the terms ‘onboarding groups’ and ‘cohorts’ are synonymous and are used interchangeably.

Page URL: https://faculty-portal.scholarrx.com/onboarding/licenses/manage

Required roles:

  • Faculty

  • Partner Manager

The following table provides a description of each of the items on this page.


Select an Organization section

Input the organization’s name for which ‘one-click onboarding’ links will be generated.

Note: The organization field is enabled with IntelliSense. Type in the first few letters of the organization you are searching for to return the closest matches. The School ID is also displayed to affirm your choice.

Select a License to Renew

Should the organization have active licenses, the form will adapt, allowing you to either renew a license or proceed without renewal.

When renewing a license, only one license may be selected for renewal.

Select License Date and Owner section

Enter a date range. Using the date picker, select a start and end date for the license.

⚠️The license date corresponds to the paper contract date, which typically represents the date on which the paperwork was signed.

Note: The license’s start date may be backdated.

The license dates define the date range for the onboarding groups.

For example, if the license goes Jan 1 2024 - June 30 2024, onboarding groups will need to end on or before June 30 2024. In most cases, the license date and the onboarding group dates are going to be the same, but some schools may have multiple onboarding groups that start and end within a license period (March-Jun, July-Oct, Nov-Feb, etc.).

The onboarding group dates then determine the expiration dates for roles and subscriptions for that group's users.

Specify license owner(s). The license owner serves as the main point of contact within the institution for any inquiries related to licenses. The license owner drop-down list comprises all individuals linked to the chosen organization in the ‘Organization’ section. This encompasses both student and faculty accounts.

Select Products section

Select product. Select the products to be provisioned for the license.

Select start/end dates. Select the start and end dates for the product. The ‘Match License Dates’ link is there for convenience. Product subscriptions don’t have to match the license dates; however, they cannot begin or end outside of the license date range.

Seat count. Select the number of people who may successfully utilize the one-click onboarding link to be provisioned the product(s) under this license agreement.

Note: Currently, ‘seat count’ is not being validated. Anyone who has the link may be onboarded.

Add Another Product. Multiple products may be added at the same time; however, all products will be provisioned to all onboarding groups.

Note: If different onboarding groups require different products, separate licenses should be entered.

Create Onboarding Groups

Group Name. Enter the name of the onboarding group(s). Each onboarding group will have a unique ‘one-click onboarding’ link.

For each onboarding group a corresponding student group is created in the Qmax Management application.

Note: Duplicate onboarding group names are allowed in the Stats & Analytics -> Onboarding Groups page; however, duplicate student and/or instructor groups will not be created.

Group Type. Select either a student or faculty group type.

Note: When the ‘student’ group type is selected, the ‘Group Roles’ drop-down list is disabled. This is because students are not assigned roles.

Group Owners. Select the group owner(s). The group owners are the individuals who may manage the onboarding groups. These onboarding groups display on the owner(s) ‘Onboarding Groups’ page in the Qmax Management application.

Note: Only active onboarding groups display on the owner’s ‘Onboarding Groups’ page.

Group Roles. When the ‘faculty’ group type is selected, the ‘Group Roles’ drop-down list is enabled so that you may provision roles to the users who onboard using the ‘one-click onboarding’ link associated to the group being created.

Group role options include:

• Brick Faculty

• Faculty

• Brick Institutional Admin

• Faculty Brick Author

Graduation Date. This field is for information purposes only. Although required, our applications do not use it in any other way. It’s acceptable if not all onboarding group users share the same graduation date or even have one at all.

Academic Period. Enter an academic period description to which the license agreement will apply. For example: Spring of 2024, Fall of 2025, etc.

Start/end dates. Input the start and end dates for the onboarding groups (cohorts) you are creating. These dates determine the duration of the subscriptions and the provisioning of faculty roles. When a user belongs to multiple cohorts, their subscriptions will be extended to cover all cohorts.

For example:

• License dates: Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2024

• Cohort A: Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2024 (Faculty)

• Cohort B: Jan 1 – June 1, 2024

• Cohort C: June 1 – Dec 31, 2024

A user who joins any individual onboarding group will be given subscriptions (and roles when faculty) matching that onboarding group’s dates.

A user joining cohort B and cohort C will end up with subscriptions spanning Jan1 (start of group B) to Dec 31 (end of group C).

These dates must fall within the license dates to be valid.

Note: Click the ‘Manage License Dates’ link to default the onboarding group’s start/end dates to the license start/end dates; otherwise, enter a date range specific to the onboarding group being created. Remember, these dates must remain inside the license’s start/end dates.

Requires Verification. Anyone can get ahold of a ‘one-click onboarding’ link. Although it’s not required, it is a best practice to verify anyone who onboards into a ‘faculty’ group.

Add Another Group. Multiple onboarding groups may be created for a single license agreement.

Select Additional Preferences section

Email Address. Enter the email address for the primary contact at the institution who will assist with any license-related questions. Only one email address is permitted.

Whitelisted Email Domain(s). Enter the email domains that are allowed to onboard with the ‘one-click onboarding’ link, separated by a comma after the domain name.

For example, a valid email domain may be gmail.com or yahoo.com. In most cases, institutions have unique email domains such as ‘@institution name.edu’ or something similar. All domains that are to be permitted to onboard must have a corresponding email domain listed in this field; otherwise, they an error page will display.

Use EdLink as SSO Provider. When this option is enabled, EdLink will be utilized as the institution’s single sign-on provider.

Suppress Email. When this option is enabled, emails will not be sent to users associated to the license agreement.

Market to Students. When this option is enabled, marketing emails will be sent to students. By default, this option is disabled. Typically, students using our institution-licensed products should not receive marketing emails.

Last updated