
Release notes were designed to give an overview of new, enhanced, & fixed items released to our customers.

New Features

New items represent new features/functionality that have been added to ScholarRx applications.

Qmax Create

Qmax Create allows customers to effortlessly generate new custom questions or clone ScholarRx questions, which are then stored in a dedicated question bank linked to their organization. Other users associated to the same organization will also have access to these questions which can be incorporated into tests authored by faculty, providing organizations with greater flexibility to tailor content and evaluate students' comprehension of study material.

Customers will be required to have the direct URL, and at a minimum, the Faculty QMax Author role before they will be able to access the application and create/clone questions.

URL: https://editorial.scholarrx.com

Required Roles

Role NameDescription

Faculty QMax Author

Grants a user the ability to create new custom QMax questions or clone existing ScholarRx questions in the QMax Create application.


Grants a user access to the Qmax Management application where they can create a faculty-authored test using questions from their organization’s question bank.

Search Questions

By default, the Question Search page displays all questions in an organization’s bank.

If there are no questions, an empty state message is displayed.

The following table describes the items on the question search page.


Add Question button

Click the ‘Add Question’ button to begin authoring a new question, from scratch.


Search for questions by ID or content key. To search for multiple questions at the same time, separate them with a comma.

Set Id

The ‘Set Id’ field has been disabled for organizations. Currently set questions may only be created by internal ScholarRx authors.

When an organization copies a question within a set, it is automatically transformed into a standard question type.


Topics may be used to define question types. This is a free-form text field and may contain alpha, numeric, and special characters.


The ‘Bank’ field defaults to your organization and displays questions created by all users associated with your organization.

To search for ScholarRx questions, select the desired bank. Options include:

• QMax 1

• QMax 2

Questions associated with that bank are displayed in the search results. You may filter your search results further by adding values in the other fields.

The ‘Type’ field provides a method to filter your search on specific question types. The only option available for an organization is ‘Standard Question’; however, for ScholarRx question banks (QMax 1 or QMax 2) options include:

• Single

• Multiple

• Abstract

• Advert

• Standard Question

• Extended Matching

• Sequential Item

Note: Any question type may be cloned from a ScholarRx question bank; however, after it is cloned, it will default to a ‘standard question’ type.


To filter your question search by discipline, select an option from the ‘Discipline’ drop down list. Discipline options are pre-defined and cannot be modified.

Organ System

To filter your question search by organ system, select an option from the ‘Organ System’ drop down list. Organ System options are pre-defined and cannot be modified.


To filter your question search by competency, select an option from the ‘Competency’ drop down list. Competency options are predefined and cannot be modified.


To filter your question search by normality, select an option from the ‘Normality’ drop down list. Normality options are predefined and cannot be modified.


To filter your question search by status, select an option from the ‘Status’ drop-down list. Status options are predefined and cannot be modified.

Note: Only published questions will be returned when searching for questions in one of the ScholarRx banks (QMax 1 or QMax2). Filtering on either the ‘approval’ or ‘retired’ status will yield zero results.


After entering all your search values, click the ‘Search’ button to perform your search.


Click the ‘Reset’ button to reset the search fields and begin a new search.

The following table describes the items seen in the question search results section.



Displays the question Id. Each question Id is automatically generated and is a unique identifier.


Displays the question version. When there are multiple versions of a question, the published version displays on top, even though it may not be the most recent version; however, you can expand it to view all versions.


The ‘Topic’ column provides a method to view the category that was defined when the question was created.


The ‘Bank’ column will display the bank to which the question is associated.


The ‘Type’ column displays the question type. When viewing an organization’s bank, the question type will always display ‘standard question’.


The ‘Discipline’ column displays the discipline assigned to the question when it was created.

Organ System

The ‘Organ System’ column displays the organ system assigned to the question when it was created.


The ‘Competency’ column displays the competency assigned to the question when it was created.


The ‘Status’ column displays the status of the question. Statuses include:

• Approval. When the question is in an ‘approval’ state, users will see icons to preview or edit the question before publishing it.

• Published. When the question is in a ‘published’ state, and it’s an organization’s question, users will see options to preview or create a new revision. When it’s a ScholarRx question, users will see options to preview or clone the questions.

• Retired. When a question is ‘retired’, users will only see an icon to view the question, unless the retired version is the most recent version. In this scenario, the question may be cloned (If it’s a ScholarRx question) or revised (if it’s an organization’s question).

Create Question

Organizations can create faculty-authored questions to include on faculty-created tests, further aligning them with their curriculum.

To create a new question, perform the following steps.

  1. Click the ‘Add Question’ button. The ‘Add Question’ page is displayed.

The following table provides details for the sections and items on this form.

SectionItem Description


Bank (disabled). By default, new questions are saved to your organization’s private bank. No users outside of your organization will have access to your custom questions. The option in this drop-down list cannot be modified.

Type (disabled). By default, new questions are saved as a ‘standard question’ type. Currently, this is the only question type available to organizations who use QMax Create to create custom questions.

Topic (required). The topic field is a free-form field and may include alpha or numeric characters.

Discipline (required). The discipline options are standardized and cannot be modified.

Organ System (required). The organ system options are standardized and cannot be modified.

Competency (required). The competency options are standardized and cannot be modified.

Normality (required). The normality options are standardized and cannot be modified.

References (optional). List any references related to the question. Reference ‘types’ include:

• Admin

• Page Number

• Page Number (Admin)

• Public. This option is displayed at the bottom of a question and will be visible to students when they review a completed test.

Other reference types are not displayed to users anywhere, in any application (or test), where the question is displayed.

Notes (optional). Add any desired notes related to the question. Notes are not displayed to users anywhere, in any application (or test), where the question is displayed.


Stem. The stem is the introduction part of a question. The stem section includes a formatting toolbar so users can add an image by clicking on the ‘insert image’ icon or add other media by clicking on the ‘Upload File’ option.

Reference illustration #1, below.


Lead-In. The lead-in section of a question precedes the distractors.

The lead-in section includes a formatting toolbar so users can add an image by clicking on the ‘insert image’ icon or add other media by clicking on the ‘Upload File’ option.

Reference illustration #1, below.

Distractors & Distractor Explanations

Distractors. The distractors and distractor explanations reflect the answers and answer explanations that are displayed to the end user when taking a test or viewing the question in review mode.

The distractor explanation field provides a formatting toolbar and provides the ability to insert a table and/or embed an image. To embed an image, click ‘Upload File’ & select a file from your desktop.

Note: A minimum of four distractors, with one being selected as the correct answer, are required to save a question. Reference illustration #1, below to see how it will appear on a test.

Bottom Line

Bottom Line. The bottom line displays as the ‘High-Yield Summary’ on the correct answer when an end user is viewing the question.

The ‘bottom line’ field provides a formatting toolbar and may also display a bulleted or numbered list.

Reference illustration #2, below to see how it will appear on a test.


Save. When all required fields are complete, click the ‘Save’ button to save the question. Until the question is activated, it will remain in an ‘approval’ state. Questions in an approval state will not be available to be used on a faculty-created test and will not be returned in search results when searching on question content in the Qmax Management application.


Back. Click the ‘Back’ button to return to the search page.

⚠️ Warning: There is currently no auto-save functionality. If you are authoring a question, but do not save it before you click the ‘Back’ button, a warning message is displayed. Click ‘Cancel’ to go back to the question, or ‘Discard’ to discard your changes and return to the question search page.

[Illustration #1]

[Illustration #2 - High Yield Summary]

  1. Complete all the required fields, then click the ‘Save’ button. The question is saved in an ‘approval’ state.

  2. After the question has been saved, slide the activation toggle to the right to activate (publish) the question.

Clone Question

Faculty authors may clone published ScholarRx questions and modify them to suit their curricular needs. They may also clone their own published questions; however, they may not clone a clone.

To clone a ScholarRx question, perform the following steps.

  1. Search for a question from one of the two ScholarRx question banks (QMax1 or QMax2). Illustration & results below for reference.

  1. Click on the desired question to open it, then click the ‘clone’ icon.

Note: When a question is cloned, any notes and references are also carried forward to the clone. In a future release, notes and references will not be carried forward. As a best practice, we recommend deleting these items before saving and publishing the question as these notes and references are typically only applicable to ScholarRx-authored questions.

When a question is cloned, the system duplicates the question and maintains a link to the original question's ID for reference.

Note: The question will not get a new ID until after the initial save.

  1. Modify the question as needed by completing all the required fields, removing any notes and/or references that do not apply, or simply save the question in its original state to include it in your organization’s custom question bank, then click the ‘Save’ button. The question is saved in an ‘approval’ state.

Note: When a ScholarRx question is cloned, any related content displayed in the ‘Go Deeper’ section and any related First Aid facts typically seen on a ScholarRx-authored question will not be visible when viewing the question and will not be carried forward to the clone.

  1. When the question is in the desired state and has been saved, slide the activation toggle to the right to activate (publish) the question.

A confirmation message is displayed.

  1. Click ‘Activate’ to activate the question, or ‘Cancel’ to leave the question in an approval state.

⚠️ Warning: A job runs every 5 minutes to index published questions, so they are returned in search results for faculty when using the Qmax Management application. This means that there is a window of time when a faculty-authored question may not be returned in search results until the job has been run.

Export Questions

Organizations are provided a method to export questions from their custom bank. This can be done in bulk from the Question Search page, or on individual questions by opening the desired question first, then clicking on the ‘export’ button.

To export questions in bulk from the Question Search page, perform the following steps.

  1. From the question search page, click the ‘Export to Word’ icon to export all questions in the bank to a Word (.docx) document.

A confirmation message is displayed.

  1. Click ‘Export’ to export the questions to Word or click ‘Cancel’ to exit without exporting.

When exported in bulk questions are exported into individual zip files, based on the Organ System.

To export an individual question, search for and click on the desired question, then click the ‘Export to Word’ icon.

The question is exported to a Word file that can be saved or printed.

Question Performance

Organizations can see how the question is performing by viewing the data on the question’s performance tab. When viewing data on a ScholarRx question, only data on the published version is available. When viewing data on an organization’s question, data on all versions of the question, regardless of status, is available.

[Versions section]

[Distractors section]

The following table describes the sections & items on the performance tab.

SectionItem Description


The ‘versions’ section provides data on the following items related to the version of the question being viewed.

• Performance (green)

• RVal (purple)

• Image Score (orange)

• Answer Score (blue)

• Feedback Score (red)


The ‘distractors’ section provides a drop-down option to view the performance on distractors for the different question versions, when applicable. Performance data includes:

• None (no answer)

• Correct (correct answer)

• Incorrect (incorrect answer)

Question Feedback

Users can rate questions (thumbs up or thumbs down) and provide comments about the contents, based on question version. Organizations can view this feedback on questions they create, regardless of version; however, the ‘feedback’ tab will not be available when viewing a ScholarRx-authored question.

[Sentiment section]

[Comments section]

The following table describes the section & items on the Feedback tab.

SectionItem Description

Sentiment section

Chart. The sentiments chart provides a visual for the percentage of likes vs. dislikes for the specific version selected in the ‘version’ drop down menu at the top of the page.

Votes. The votes graph provides a visual for the number of likes vs. dislikes, for all versions.

Comments section

Version drop-down. By default, when viewing a question created by your organization, comments for all versions are displayed; however, you can select a specific version to view comments. When viewing feedback on a ScholarRx question, only the published version can be viewed.

Sentiment drop-down. This option provides a method to view only thumbs up or thumbs down feedback. Options include:

• All

• Like

• Dislike

• Neutral

Version column. Displays the question version to which the comment is associated.

Comment column. Displays the comment text associated with the question version.

Sentiment column. Displays the sentiment (thumbs up/thumbs down) associated with the question version.

Date column. Displays the date on which the sentiment occurred.

There are two different types of comments that can be left.

• General feedback. This type of feedback pertains to the entire question.

• Target-specific feedback. This occurs when a user selects specific text and adds a comment.

Question History

The history tab provides a visual aid to see what has changed between two question versions. Users can view the history tab on faculty-authored questions when there are multiple versions.

Note: The History tab will not be available when viewing questions from either of the ScholarRx question banks.

[For illustration purposes only]


Qmax Management

The Qmax Management application has been affected by the Qmax Create functionality. This section provides details for each area.

Search Questions & Add to Test

In the Qmax Management application, published questions created by members associated with your organization will be returned in a search, when applicable, and may be included on a faculty-created test.

To add a question to a faculty-created test, perform the following steps.

Note: To create a faculty-authored test, you must have the Faculty role.

  1. Open the Qmax Management application at: https://faculty.scholarrx.com and create a test.

  2. Click the ‘Add Questions’ tab, then perform a search for questions by topic or by the question Id and version. In this example, we searched for ‘heart’. Notice the three question banks for:

  • My Organization

  • Qmax1

  • Qmax2

When there are no results for a particular bank, the bank will not display.

An active subscription to one of the following products is required to see results from the ScholarRx Qmax1 or Qmax2 question banks.

  • Qmax

  • Rx360+

Test Management - Results & Analysis tabs

Users with access to the Qmax Management application can view students’ results and analysis for tests they have created, even when the test contains questions from multiple question banks, including an organization’s custom question bank.

[Illustration - Results tab]

This test contains questions from three different banks:

  • QMax1 bank

  • QMax2 bank

  • Organization bank

[Illustration - Analysis tab]

Qmax Management - View Questions tab

When viewing questions on a test from the ‘View Questions’ tab, ScholarRx banks are indicated by a bank icon; however, custom banks are not.

USMLE-Rx Application

The USMLE-Rx application has been affected by the Qmax Create functionality. This section provides details for each area.

Qmax Questions - Test Analysis for Students

Upon completing a test, students are taken to the 'Test Analysis' page, which offers a summary of their test scores and performance across various Disciplines and Organ Systems. The results include questions from all question banks used in the test, encompassing both standard and an organization’s custom bank.

Qmax Questions - Cumulative Analysis for Students

The Qmax Cumulative Analysis presents a consolidated view of all Qmax statistics, categorized by bank, after students’ complete tests; however, it currently does not detail how students performed on questions from the organization's custom bank.

Stats & Analytics

The Stats & Analytics application has been affected by the Qmax Create functionality. This section provides details for each area.


In the Stats and Analytics application, faculty can view reports related to Qmax activity & performance. Metrics include activity from questions in all question banks, including the organization’s custom bank.

The following reports in the Stats & Analytics application provide metrics that include performance on questions in the organization’s custom bank.

  • Individual student activity by date (accessed through the ‘Organization Roster’ option)

  • Activity by Date

  • Activity by Student

  • Qmax Performance

License Management (One-Click Onboarding)

The internal License Management page includes the new Faculty QMax Author role. This role can now be assigned to faculty cohorts during the license creation process.

Note: Academic Solutions team, this role and access should not be given to all faculty, by default. After the QMax Create feature is initially rolled out, the assignment of this role, along with access to QMax Create, should be coordinated and approved by Jeff & Matt first.


Manage Groups – Duplicate Group Names

Previously, in the Stats & Analytics application, on the ‘Onboarding Groups’ page, users who managed AND belonged to an onboarding group (cohort) saw duplicate group names on the ‘Manage Group’ page (illustration below for reference).

Now, when a user who is a manager AND a member of a group views the ‘Manage Group’ page, they will only see the onboarding group name displayed once.

Last updated